Speculation: Has Felicity’s Father Been Revealed? Speculation: Has Felicity’s Father Been Revealed?
Has Arrow cast Felicity's dad? Speculation: Has Felicity’s Father Been Revealed?

abbottfamilyAt the Heroes & Villains Fan Fest convention in San Jose this weekend, it was said over Twitter that Arrow’s casting guru David Rapaport mentioned that Felicity Smoak’s father has been cast and that we would find out who he would be very soon.

Today, we find out that Tom Amandes of Everwood fame has been cast as the villain The Calculator for a 2-episode arc.

Several GATV commenters as well as many across the web have speculated that this might be the casting news Rapaport was referring to….

If it is true that Tom Amandes is playing Felicity’s dad, it would mean that Star-Lord, Andy Dwyer, Sharon Carter, Emily Thorne, and Felicity Smoak all have the same father.

And if a producer or anyone else of import denies it, please leave that news in the comments so we can scratch the speculation accordingly.

(And before anyone says it: Earlier this season it was speculated that Damien Darhk would be Felicity’s dad; that connection has since been denied by the show’s Executive Producers.)

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.