David Ramsey & Marc Guggenheim Discuss The Arrow Finale’s Teases For John Diggle
InterviewsNewsSpoilers January 28, 2020 Craig Byrne

It looks like the Green Lantern thing might be happening for John Diggle after all… even if it’s off screen… following a surprise item falling from the sky in the Arrow series finale.
“I don’t know what that means, but he does go to Metropolis and he got a green box, and we’ll see. We’ll still see,” David Ramsey teased at a Q&A following a screening of the series finale earlier this week.
“This was something that was worked out over a year ahead with DC Entertainment. We very specifically negotiated and discussed the parameters, and I feel like to say anything beyond ‘you know what we have showed you’ would violate our our agreement with DC,” Marc Guggenheim added.
“There’s been a bit of a payoff,” Ramsey said. “We’ll see what all that means, but I think we’ve done some justice to the six year tease.”
HBO Max currently has a Green Lantern series in development for HBO Max, but so far, there has been no indication that David Ramsey would be a part of it. You can read more about it at GreenLanternTV.
As for Metropolis, could John Diggle and David Ramsey be headed to the Superman & Lois series?
“We’ve actually talked a lot about Diggle’s and David’s post arrow future. We’ve got some really good ideas,” Guggenheim said, though neither would confirm anything. Marc did add, however, what a “remarkable” director David Ramsey has become.
In the immediate future, we can see David Ramsey in next Tuesday’s episode of The Flash titled “Marathon.” Photos from that episode can be seen here.
“They’re still recovering from Oliver’s death” over on The Flash, Ramsey said.
“Part of the connection to Oliver is Diggle, obviously, and so Diggle’s presence there serves as that kind of conduit, a way to grieve. There’s also a case to solve over there that Diggle is a part of,” he continued.
Will the Green Lantern ring thing come up?
“No, that doesn’t happen. It is John Diggle over there as John Diggle, and we’re working on a case,” Ramsey promised.