A new report by Deadline has revealed that David Ramsey (John Diggle) will be present in the Arrowverse (we’re still not calling it the CWverse) next season.
Deadline’s report says that Ramsey, who directed multiple episodes of Arrow in the past, is contracted to direct episodes of CW/Arrowverse shows — including the new Superman & Lois and Supergirl. But that’s not all! Ramsey will also appear in five series episodes — those previous two shows plus The Flash, Batwoman, and a “mystery role” in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Could we be seeing him with his Green Lantern ring? Or could this be their way of doing a crossover this year, without doing an official big crossover? Hmm…
“I remain in awe of the imprint these shows have had on television and I’ve been blessed for the better part of a decade to be a part of them both in front of and behind the camera,” Ramsey said in a statement posted on Deadline. “To say I’m excited beyond belief to return to the Berlantiverse would be an understatement. I can’t wait to continue telling these stories.”