Here Is The Correct Title For Arrow #2.5: “League Of Assassins” Here Is The Correct Title For Arrow #2.5: “League Of Assassins”
The title for the fifth episode of Arrow Season 2 is actually League Of Assassins. Here Is The Correct Title For Arrow #2.5: “League Of Assassins”

3080971-league+of+assassinsSeems we jumped the gun a little bit… while TV Line‘s intel implied that the fifth episode of Arrow Season 2 is “The Demon’s Head,” it turns out that is not the case. (Does that mean no Ra’s al Ghul for us?)

The correct title for the fifth episode of Arrow Season 2 is actually “League Of Assassins.” A title that is still Malcolm Merlyn/Nanda Parbat/Ra’s al Ghul related. And, honestly, it’s a pretty awesome title.

So, a recap: It’s not called “The Demon’s Head,” but instead, it’s “League Of Assassins.” Got it? Good.

Arrow Season 2 begins in just 50 days, on October 9.

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.