Arrow First Reveal: Title & Credits For Episode #2.15! Arrow First Reveal: Title & Credits For Episode #2.15!
Title and credits for the fifteenth episode of Arrow Season 2 Arrow First Reveal: Title & Credits For Episode #2.15!

GetInline-2As we get to being only a week away from the next episode of Arrow, which is called “Blast Radius” (see photos here), we have a special treat for you here at GreenArrowTV: The title and credits for the fifteenth episode of Season 2!

Episode #2.15 is called “The Promise” and it is written by Jake (no relation to Cara) Coburn and Ben Sokolowski, and directing it is fan favorite awesome director Glen Winter.

What is this promise about? Who is the promise to? Guess we’ll find out when this episode airs, eh?

“The Promise” began shooting yesterday.

Read some more Arrow upcoming episode spoilers here!

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.