2018 GreenArrowTV Awards: The Results Are In!
GreenArrowTV AwardsNews September 25, 2018 Craig Byrne

It’s that time of year again to announce the winners of the annual GreenArrowTV Awards, honoring the best and not-so-best of the most recent season of Arrow.
The sixth season brought changes to Oliver Queen’s family, marrying Felicity and taking in William after the death of Samantha. Oliver’s other family, that of Team Arrow, faced some challenges and splits… all while villains like Ricardo Diaz, Black Siren, and Cayden James wreaked havoc on Star City.
This summer, as we do every year, we invited fans to pick their favorites and least favorites for the season. Voting was limited to one vote per IP, so the results are legit.
So what did people like? What did people dislike? Let’s get started!