Save Constantine! Save Constantine!
GreenArrowTV makes the case for checking out a different DC TV show this weekend. Save Constantine!

You love your DC Comics TV. Wednesdays belong to Arrow, of course, and The Flash is likely to be your chosen Tuesday night destination. You might also be into Gotham, which airs on FOX on Monday nights. These shows will pave the way, hopefully, for more DC TV in the near future, including Supergirl.

But there was once DC TV show that got a little bit overlooked this season, and it’s a shame. That show is Constantine, which aired new episodes on Friday nights on NBC this TV season.

CONSTANTINE -- "Waiting for The Man" Episode 113 -- Pictured: Matt Ryan as John Constantine -- (Photo by: Quantrell Colbert/NBC)The show’s future is in question, so as fans of DC TV, we’re reaching out to you, the GreenArrowTV readers, to give the show a try.

NBC is making the 13 episodes of Constantine available FREE on Hulu and the official NBC website for the next two weeks. If you want to be picky about it and go right to the good stuff, check out Episode 4 “A Feast Of Friends” and Episode 5 “Danse Vaudou” first. The show tended to get better and better as the season went along, and some cool things are and were planned to come next.

Constantine is not yet cancelled, but it could be unless NBC sees that there is a demand. So check it out, tell your friends… and if for some reason the show never comes back, we’ll totally see Matt Ryan reprising the role in the Arrow/Flash universe, right?

It’s the weekend. Arrow isn’t new again for another five days. Surely there’s an opportunity to watch a few of them…

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.